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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Posts posted by davevjr

  1. Tell it to the Anonymous guys eating at the Greybar Hotel. Tell it to Kevin Mitnick. Tell it to the Stuxnet uploaders.


    Your claims are quite fantastical. Literally. You can hide everything you do on the net - in your dreams.




    I said if you knew how, what your you can hide your doing. the answer isn't subscribing to some service unless you want to be caught. kevin mitnick is the one the most famous hackers that got caught. your claims are equally fantastical as you put it. your saying that if I commit a crime on the internet that i have 100% chance being arrested, no law enforcement agency is this effective

  2. I'm sorry, but thats one of the stupidest things I have ever read.


    Sure, there are some fairly gifted hackers out there... But to suggest that the FBI does not have techies that are just as smart and just as talented is just stupid.


    On top of that... I challenge you to name one - ONLY one - VPN or proxy provider or lets make this easy - a VPN/Proxy provider OR any other method you can think of, that would keep your connection private from law enforcement. Only one.


    I have been in the IT industry for many years, and count myself as a expert in TCP/IP communications... and I cannot think of any way that would be foolproof.


    As to the FBI not having power to get the info they want... thats just as dumb. Just about every country in the world (with very very few exceptions) have policies in place to deal with international information requests from law enforcement. In most cases, the request to the ISP does not come from the FBI - it comes from that countries government, security service or whatever they have. Thailand for instance has the Ministry of Information - which will share info with the USA quickly and easily when needed.


    The long and the short of it is: if you do something illegal online, there WILL be logs that can point right to you. Those logs may or may not ever be looked at.. but they will exist.


    Here's a little thought to keep you busy. Lets say you open a VPN tunnel from Thailand to Russia, then do something illegal to a computer in the USA.


    In order to establish the VPN tunnel your computer must make a request across many routers... for me for instance to hit Moscow its 23 routers. Then from Russia to the USA its an additional number - tho less, probably 10 or so. Thats 30 different computers that can potentially log a footprint of your traffic.


    After the VPN tunnel is established most routers cannot read the data being transferred, but they CAN read the fact that it was transferred, where it came from and where its destination was. Even if the VPN logs at the VPN provider were deleted, the ISP of the VPN provider could use timestamps to check their logs. And the international carrier could do the same. Its a lot of work, but its not very hard work.


    Its stupid to think that you can get away with anything on the internet these days.


    Use your friends computer. Much better that way :D

    a hacker wouldn't use a vpn provider anyways, as far as the fbi goes they hire hackers to track down hackers but these people are former hackers. I am not going to spend a lot time on this subject but only to say that the better hacker is the one that wins. you might be right about thailand but not all coutries cooperate with the u.s. others do sometimes. that all depends on current politics. FBI is not infallable, they have had very public defeats.

  3. You're ignoring the basic point - if you think you can hide illegal activities on the Net, you're wrong. If you want to keep your regular activities confidential, then HMA is quite good. Even Frosty's throwaway accounts and throwaway Visa cards and throwaway computers (he forgot to mention that; using cybercafes and business centres) won't HIDE you if "they" want to track you.




    You can infact hide everything on the net if you know how! You need to be a techy/hacker to understand how. as far tracking you down goes they have to start with the endpoint ip address and can track you back to your computer not just your isp. if the track it back the vpn, they can't logs that never existed, they can sapeana the info but that don't matter. The fbi can not force a vpn that operates in another country to give up anything. mostly people get caught becuase they make a mistake not becuase the fbi always get there guy. becuase when it comes to tech mostly there are bunch of bozos, and tracking of outlaws is done by another hacker, then people get caught.

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