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Found 11 results

  1. There is a very interesting story behind this dog..........................................
  2. Its interesting to see these weddings, and to see how close to what we call a traditional wedding here in the west. There just seem to be a bit more pomp and procedure in Japan in regards to weddings. Seem that there were at 4 weddings or photo shoots going on at the same time as I was here at the Meji shrine in Tokyo, and they had a great day for it too, weather wise.
  3. The Yūshūkan (遊就館?) is a Japanese military and war museum located within Yasukuni Shrine in Chiyoda, Tokyo. As a museum maintained by the shrine, which is dedicated to the souls of soldiers who died fighting on behalf of the Emperor of Japan All these photos were taken in the front area of the museum, where it is free to enter. Once you have bought a ticket, gone through the gate and up the stairs, you come into the museum proper, where photos are completely prohibited!!! They have guards all over the place and will stop you if they even think you are going to try and take a photo, which i
  4. Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo. One of the most controversial shrines in Japan, as well as the world, this shrine recognises the Japanese war dead, from the hero's of their wars, to the most hated war criminals the world have ever known in war time circumstances. Free to enter this shrine, but the security are not very keen on you getting to close to the alter, and they really do not like you taking photos either!! I suppose i can see their point of view, especially with regards as to the war criminals part and that they don't want this shrine to become too much of a place of "worship" to the crim
  5. A Pattaya Talk member's bar crawl in Shibuya in Tokyo. It only comprised myself and BM Dunghie, as they was no one else there, but what a great night out it was. This is what its all about on the boards. The chance to meet and become friends with other member's around the world, a little bit like Greg. He showed me around and looked after me, and we had a great night. Thank you Greg. The entrance way to heaven.................................................... These vending machines are everywhere in Japan. 24/7, you can get a drink anywhere on the street, but not bee
  6. Had another night out on the piss in Shibuya, with a young lad called Ben, who happens to be the son of a guy called Jules, who owns a bar in VT2. Without his knowledge, i wouldnt have ventured into any of these places, nor would i have found them as well. Ben showed me to this bar/restaurant complex in Shibuya, where i would never have discovered this place if it wasnt for him. The whole thing seems to be over 4-5 floors of the building................................................ This bar we sat in, we had a bite to eat, and a few beers. As much beer, wine, spirits,
  7. Asakusa, home to the Edo style old Tokyo. Truly an amazing place to walk around, it is very much in the old Edo style that all of Japan was designed like. Very much a tourist attraction now, full of Chinese, but even more Japanese tourists. Domestic tourism in Japan is huge and very much popular.
  8. The Tokyo Skytree Tower. Absolutely beautiful views of Tokyo up here, on a good day tht is, and i managed to make it on a good day. Just a shame i never got to see Mt. Fuji through all of that haze in the mountains.
  9. This was taken on my iPhone back in June. Its not the busiest this crossing ever gets, as this was taken around 4pm. This crossing has been made famous in a number of films, most recently in a number of the Fast and Furious movies.
  10. Plane spotting at Tokyo's Haneda Airport. Its so much better here than back in the UK, but at Haneda, it is mainly domestic flights that leave from here, albeit they have a new International Terminal open now, and more and more flights are being added to it all the time.
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