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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About bianchigiu

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    New Poster
  1. Thank you for the answer, but probably you worng. Because i found LEK mansion, 11,000 bath. How is? Is a good solution for nightlife, fun and location? thank you.
  2. thank you for the answer. I need an hotel for one month rental, fron 24 may to 24 june. I see a lot of hotels, but i want one with swimming pool and safety box in the room. Price 10,000/13,000 someone can help me????? Please guys! This is my first time in pattaya and i know really nothing! Help me! Thank you again.
  3. Hi guys, this is my firs post. I always read your messages, and all you're great. I need an help: i will come in pattaya from 25 may. I need a room hotel, in the center of the fun, with swimming pool, safety box in room, from 10,000 to 13,000 Someone of you can help me? Thank you in advance. P.S. Sorry for my english but i am italian. how is the weather in this period?
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