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About Norman

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  1. Anyone know about this odd question? Thank you.
  2. I offered him 10k/month on a schedule. He's ok with that. Deep in my gut, I feel it's him who steals the bikes but part of that is just what's fed to me by the media. On the other hand, he's established and wouldn't want the bad publicity if I were to end up in a bloody pulp somehow after both our names are on a police report. Case closed. I'll pay up.
  3. I've talked it to death (pardon the pun) with my Thai lawyer who himself knows street thugs for when the street info. is required. He assures me it's more common for people to get beaten in muggings, being drunk and rowdy, or girl revenge if someone mistreats or doesn't pay them. The shop owner does NOT want bad publicity since he's worked so hard to buy a fleet of bikes and open a business (likely on borrowed cash). Since I've already spoken with the Tourist Police and there is a police report with both our names in it, if I suddenly wound up in the emergency room, it would likely fall b
  4. To answer your questions. It was a Mio. 15k on the clock. I know the plate # and serial # from our contract. I pay 3k/month. I offered 20k to see his reaction on the advice of my lawyer. If he said yes I could do it today. He did not offer me insurance. Says it's not possible on rentals. The steering was locked and there was a thick chain around the back tire. My lawyer has said that if he were to sue me (western style), it's a civil matter which could take 2 years. The Thai lawyer went on to say he would likely NOT beat my ass as all fingers would point to him if it were to happen. The
  5. Thank you Lemons. I saw my lawyer in bkk and he only confirmed what I think is already known: I will have to pay for the bike but not to be a fool and pay 40k. I offered him 20k on the day of the theft and he balked. I've paid the rent until June 3, so he shouldn't be calling me pestering me anyway as he's not losing anything until then. He won't provide me with the green book all owners receive. I want to know the age of the bike so I can estimate its value. I've heard each year the bike ages, I should remove 10k or so. I'm terrified you'll read about me on the news as the next faran
  6. Rumour has it Thailand has some corruption. I recently had my rented motorbike stolen and the owner wants full replacement (40k). First of all, I don't have 40k available. Secondly, the rental is not due until June 3rd but he rings me every day and I've taken to avoiding his calls at this point. I'm scared of Thai style justice and I'll get a beating if I don't come up with the cash soon. The owner knows where I live but doesn't have my passport or a copy. He has filed a police report (I have a copy) so I know (?) it's not just a case of him stealing the bike and waiting until I go home to re-
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