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About Steven

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  1. I just read a book on Thailand that I picked up on Amazon. It is the life story of a 13-year old runaway who got into the sex-tourist industry. It is nothing like the other books on the Pattaya and Thailand. It is the girl's point of view and it is No-Holds-Barred. I pulled this from the book: The Title: “Only 13” A Young Victim of Thailand’s Prolific Sex Tourist Industry Speaks Out Only 13 will enlighten the reader to the status of females in rural Esarn, Thailand. One will learn what it is like: *To be born female in a land where “Women are pawns in times of need.” *
  2. Before you even comnsider leaving the confines of your country, there are a few books which you should read. The first book is: Only 13 www.only13.net Amazon Life story of a little runaway girl who gets into the sex tourist industry. As she is treated by her customers, so she learns to treat them. She will teach you what bargirls are up to, and how to prepare yourself. She will also tell you more about Thailand than you could learn while earning a Ph.D. Money Number One DCO Thai This book is, like many on the market, a defense book for the bar-hopper Way
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