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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About mickeylo

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    New Poster
  1. it's been a min cents my last post almost 8 months but anyway I just got back from patts on the 31 of jan & had a great time it's kind of hard to explaine all the stuff I did & all the fun I had I was right in the middle of all the action right off of walking street on soi bj tq2 right down the soi about 100 feet from the jasmine hotel were I was staying is great location 21girls in 15 days I was also in bbk 4 days that was nice too.
  2. I will be in pattaya in jan. I am leving baltimore on 17 will land in bbk on the 18th 11:40 pm man I can't wait I am going to stay in bbk for 3 nights already have hotel booked there I will be staying at the dynasty inn then I am headed down to pattaya for 3 weeks I known that dynasty has a hotel down there but i want to shop around befor I comit to them they have a shuttle van to pattaya but you have to book 2 nights at there hotel there so if any bm can help me out I would be very greatful.....ps this is my first trip to the land of LOS
  3. I am already book I paid 1,100 but what I wantto known is when is the best time to book my holtet room.I will be in bbk 1/17 till 1/31 I need some input.I am leaven bwi on thurday 9:05 to san fransco to bbk also I am a african american I known that a lot of us don't go to thailand I love the asian people way of life I am just looking forward to hang out in bbk & pattaya this is my first time going to los I have been doing my reseach joined all the forums trying to get all the information I can the trip has been 2yrs in the making last yr I was in mexico but thailand stay on my mind do you
  4. welcome good to have you abored
  5. you all have been great any thing I have posted I have always gotten help with and I would just like to say thank you to everyone also. what are the the spot's like away from the city if you known what I mean not to far away bars new talet I herd about this can some one give be some feed back
  6. I would like to known becuse I am planing on leaving in janurary do you guy's think. will everything be alright I just want to have some fun can somebody give be some feedback Iam not woirred or anything like that becuse I get along with everybody it's just like all the pic's I seen no black people it make me think we don't go there but I will be there & I look forward to meeting some of you guy's@ the bars
  7. mickeylo


    whenI get to thailand I think my plane will be landing in bangkok how far is the air port from the city? just in case I want to hang out there befor I head to pattya and is it as good as pattya which I hear is like 2hrs away or should I just go to pattya....
  8. I known this may sound kind of funny but I can't really figur this out 50bt how much us.money is that and how much stuff in pattya could I buy with that? becuse I will be making trip there in january and I need to known more about the money I don't want to go over ther and be over paying my plan is to get anuff money @ the airport to pay the cab fair to pattya then go to the bank there and change over my money to get abetter rate for it I am just going there to shopping sightseeing , beaches I will hit a few bars but that not my main reson for comming there I want to stay for 2 weeks do you t
  9. were is the best place to see what it looks like and how are the prices I hear alot of people talking a bout the gems stone that they have there but not the gold? why is that I plan on going to thialand in january and staying around 3 weeks want to get in some good shoping and sightseeing I have a lot of stuff that I would like to do there besides bar hop but I will do alittle of that but my whole trip won't be all a bout that.
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