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Everything posted by david100

  1. It should be cheaper and you could probably find mini buses that takes you to Pattaya real cheap. When I go from the airport in Bangkok I never pay more then 1000B+toll Just be carefull when they offer you a nice new car for the trip and after 10min drive thei take you to a petrolstation and will change car to a bucket of rost for the rest of the trip.If you want to travel by limo always order it from the counters in the airport or book it with Thaiairways. Taking taxi in and around Bangkok always make shure the driver put the meter on,it will always be cheaper then th
  2. NEVER NEVER NEVER give any bath to a child beggar, its much better to buy food or fruit and give them. They are often kidnapped or sold from the villages up north and are very badly treaten buy the criminals that forces them to beg.Some cases includes amputation and blindening small children so thei easy can bring in money.Please juse your brain before handing out money to small children sitting in by the pavement.Ive spent a long time in Thailand and have heard a lot of facts from my collegues working here. Thailand is a wonderful country but if you flip the coin you will see yo
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