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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by bytheriver

  1. Last year I flew from Dubai to Amsterdam on Gulf Air and had no problems; typical flight on a typical airline. Nothing stood out to say it was an exceptional airline, but I still would prefer Thai or Cathay Pacific given a choice.
  2. Thanks. That is simple enough. Now I am laughing about how it was explained to me in the email; it all makes sense now.
  3. I have heard that an extra number (8?) needs to be inserted when calling cell phones now in Thailand. Tried to get an explanation via email, but was not able to really comprehend the broken English to figure it out. If calling from the US, where does the extra number fall in? Thanks.
  4. Thanks for the welcome. I have applied for full membership; did that before my first post actually. Looking foward to talking you more at another level soon. Cheers.
  5. My first post on the board. Looking forward to talking with others about the city and country we all have come to love over the years. Glad to be a part of this board and looking forward to my next trip and hope to meet others.
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