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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Holden Caulfield

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Everything posted by Holden Caulfield

  1. Done. Much appreciated. I have requested a week and if it is located right, may stay a while longer. To repay my debt I vow, here and now, to share my nasty degenerate experiences with the rest of you.
  2. Ok, ok. I think Soi 6 and Walking St. are my go to areas. And yes, GF would just be girl friendly. All I have so far is the Areca. Toward the pricier end of my scale but nice looking pool.
  3. Sorry all. I hate to post when the answer is probably out there, but I've waded through a lot of posts and need a little help. Hotel or apartment needed Jan 8th for a week or so. May be more, but I figure this gets me started. Some kind of safe is important (in-room nice), a pool is a MUST. GF a serious must. Location is huge also. As long as I can roll out of bed, eat, and grab something to roll back to bed with I am ok. Close to action. Price should be cheapish. $25 - $40 a night would make me very happy but I can go up if it is worht it. I'd love to be able to Wifi from bed if
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