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Everything posted by @RN1E

  1. That is what i am doing right now, and this is part of it In my original post i tried to make it clear how brief this idea was, so that people like you wouldn't be so quick to jump in and tear me apart... To everyone else that contributed also, thank you very much, some good information!
  2. Hi all, I am looking for some advice . 2 friends and I are looking to start a business, and a new life in Thailand. Its very brief talk at the minute so please dont slate me if you know things already which i am unaware of, and i know many people want to do this but i would prefer advice rather than just someone laying into me. We were thinking maybe a bar or guesthouse. We are all qualified in different things, architecture, structural Engineer and Gas fitter/ plumbing. So we have something to fall back on if things dont go to plan . We dont have any tie's in England and now see
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