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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Posts posted by crobe

  1. MRoll320


    I can give you some information about one of the private schools here - but I think it is the most expensive.

    My kids go to the Regent's which is possibly the most expensive school in the area (and I pay myself)


    The curriculum is UK, which is useful if you are a Brit and may have to return at any time or put your kid into another Brit school or onto a University in the UK - academic standard is OK - but some of the parents feel is not quite good enough to justify the price.


    The standard of other issues, like safety, nice environment for the kids, teachers from the UK, Australia, New Zealand etc, geared towards teachers with their own families - I don't think you see any of the Regents kids getting into a lot of trouble.


    The downside is the cost - for an 11 year old is around 180,000 baht per term (so around 550,00 per year), and on top of that is uniform, extras like Music tuition., school trips etc.


    The other downside is that although the teaching staff are good, the owner looks on this purely as a business which sometimes comes before the education when you talk to him - and has put off some high level (overseas royalty) parents.


    There are other less costly schools providing an international or American curriculum (St Andrews, ISE), but I have no personal knowledge of them.


    This may be out of you budget but if you need more information then PM me.



  2. There is nothing wrong with Russians or the majority of Farangs from other countries who happen to live here.


    I quite agree, my post was not against people coming at all, just to comment that people are coming from many more places than before.


    While I was living with my Thai wife in England, most of our friends were from the expat community, or were married with Thais - we were lucky to be in Bath which is very international.


    At a dinner at our place one Saturday evening I counted 10 different nationalities - and I think this enriches the UK no end -it is just when you get a sudden influx of people from one country inhabiting one area of a town that it is seen as a problem.


    I find there are less differences between the nationalities when they travel abroad, than between the people in a country that have travelled and those that have not.



  3. I was in Birmingham airport last week collecting the wife off the plane from Dubai,


    (that is Birmingham UK for our Atlantic friends).


    I saw an incoming flight from a place that I did not immediately recognise, and I am fairly well travelled.


    The flight was direct from Asgabat, which is Turkmenistan.


    So there are people travellling all over now.


    Just wait until they waive the visa requirements for the Chinese (mooted), that will be an influx everywhere.



  4. I just booked Emirates out of Brimingham (UK) to fly Sunday with a 3 day stopover in Dubai,


    As I have to be in Dubai for meetings this is perfect for me - I thought I would get screwed on the cost for booking late and the stopover, but in the end was £620.


    I am finding now that it is not paying to book so early, there are no good deals anymore - but you run the risk of no flights.


    I am platinum elite (for life) on KLM you cannot get higher, but then they joined with Air France and the service level slipped, since they joined with NWA/Delta this program has gone way downhill - previously I used to get the full VIP treatment and guaranteed upgrade to business if there was a seat vacant but the last time they f**cked my booking up with my kid so we were noit even sitting together, and the comment I got from the ground staff was "I don't care about your card"


    Since the last couple of recessions in the airline industry we are all pieces of meat - but at least we are still treated better than the BA staff



  5. Crobe, I don't recall a waitress named Jin. Are you sure you're not thinking of Classroom? They're infamous for tactics like the ones you describe.


    No, Jin is an old friend - I just hope I have her name right.


    I have gone in Misty's a lot, but I drink, have a laugh and no take-out

    Always had a good time up until the last visit, so as I say, I will give them a second chance when I go back next time at Christmas.


    In a lot of bars the Mamasan makes or breaks the atmosphere, maybe next time I make sure that the manager Paul is around.

    I am just hoping that Misty's is not going down the route of trying to rip off the first time tourists, which seems to be the game plan for the other Soi2 bars.


    I take your point about Classroom, only ever go in there if I am already drunk and don't care - attitude is the same in Kittens.


    Both notorious bars for trying to maximise the return from the punter within the first 10 minutes and don't care if they never return.



  6. I used to like Misty's when it was open in the afternoon.

    Could pop in about 4-5pm as a break from the shopping


    My favourite waitress Jin would take care of me, a singha for me and a drink for her straight away, and we would usually select one of the dancers to give drinks to aswell. All very civilised.


    Last time, though, was different, no Jin and very few customers.

    The Mamasan was yery pushy, immediately wanting a drink for her and for one of the girls, who I did not like.

    Then a second girl comes over within 2 minutes and the mamasan is demanding a drink for her aswell, even though I said I would only buy for one of the dancers - before I knew it there were another 3 lady drinks in the check-bin.


    Needless to say I finished my drink and walked down to Club Nevada.


    As one poster said, could be just at the wrong time, so I will give them the benefit of the doubt next time, but if I do not see Jin immediately, I will walk out, and not be going back



  7. I am sitting here woirking in Munich, Germany


    My wife called me today to say that she had been in Villa Market and they have that most valuable of commodities


    Branston Pickle :banghead


    Only Brits will undeerstand the significance of this


    Cannot get it anywhere in Germany



  8. As far as I can see (by searching PattayaMail) they have not done anything on this story since April 20th.


    This is despite the court proceeding and administrative prders that have been issued last month after VT re-started work and a new injunction (to stop them building over 14m high) was enacted in the administrative court.


    In fact the only reference to the story since then is a recent letter to their editor (not by me) asking why they are not reporting the story



  9. What I find is amazing is the absolute silence on this issue from Pattaya Mail and the other expatriate newspapers.


    This is an issue that concerns a lot of their readership as it could have effects on many other developments where ex-pats have invested


    A bit of honest reporting would be good to heighten the awareness of the ex-pat community - it seems they are all to eager to cover the fact that Ocean 1 has got its permit to build, but will not report on the VT7 story.


    Would be too much to expect that the poeple on Pattaya mail would be competent enough to do some investigative journalism regarding whether there was any corruption at City hall during the granting of these permits...



  10. This is a difficult one, liked everyone else, I would like the best looking girl in the establishment to come across to me immediately, and the others to stay away, but that is usually difficult because

    a) I am not that good looking

    :bigsmile: the best looking girl is usually taken

    c) They ALL think they are the best looking girl anyway


    So here is what my ideal situation is:

    Go to bar - nice serving girl sits you down and you order the beer

    Serving girl is good looking so buy her a drink so she will take care of you during the visit.

    Look at girls for 5 minutes, if there is eye contact immediately with one I like, I will use the universal hand signal for drink and she can come across, I will then start buying drinks.


    Girl can ask me if I want to buy drink for friend, sometimes I say yes, sometimes I say no, up to me.


    If no-one within 5 minutes than Mamasan comes across, asks me if I want girl to drink with - if I say no, then no problem.

    If I say yes, then mamasan helps choose a drinking companion (you like small girl, you like big breast etc. etc.)

    If mamasan points out girl I like then drink for girl, drink for mamasan.


    f it works out as above, then you have me as a customer for the next couple of hours and about 1-2 thousand baht - sorry I do not do takeaway, but may pay a barfine for an exceptional girl, even though I do not take them out.


    Just because I bought the mamasan a drink, does not mean she gets one every time I buy one for the girl, she has other customers to look after.


    Just because it is low-season, does not mean that I will buy drink for girl, girl's friend, their friend and any other girl who has nothing to do but hang around my table - I know I may look like a walking wallet, but there are limits.

    It is up to the mamasan to keep this in order.


    So it really depends on having a good mamasan....



  11. what are the chances of a 34 year old carpenter living in LOS


    You will have to:

    1) save a lot of money

    2) Come to LOS on a tourist visa

    3) Meet nice Thai girl

    4) Marry Thai girl

    5) Set up Thai company (49% you/51% thai girl)

    6) Get work permit for company to employ you (not easy)

    7) Employ 2-3 local chippies

    8) Provide English speaking advice to farang building houses, condos etc (kitchens, built-in wardrobes etc -

    big market at the moment)


    After that you are a 44 year old carpenter living in LOS :drunk



  12. We have just planted 20 Rai in Eucalyptus trees.


    If I were you then, I would import some Koala bears from Australia.


    The tourist atraction of a koala farm would bring in more money than the plants

    Just a wierd idea....


    Hold on, I have 11 Rai myself just up from the crocodile farm - stop that housebuilding now....



  13. Hi Hybrid,


    I have two kids about the same age (8&4) at the Regents, and we have just received the paper for the new fees.


    For your age kids this would be 118,000+115,000 per term.


    They run on a 3 term system, using the UK curriculum, so thats a total of 699,000 baht for the year, plus you have to pay an aplication fee (5,500) and a damage deposit (60,000)

    I will let you work this out in US$


    Boarding fees, extra learning support, uniform etc are all extra


    It is probably the best school around if you are looking for a UK-type school, but if you want your kids to have a more American based curriculum, then you should probably look also at ISE or St. Andrews - we have some Dutch friends who moved their kids to St. Andrews as this was more suitable.


    If you need further information, drop me a personel mail



  14. BigD,


    When I am back in pattaya next week, we should have a beer or two.


    The fun you have been having watching the European managment (EADS-Airbus) trying to make a competitor to the jumbo has been quite a goodd read, but wait until you hear the stories of the disaster they are making about Galileo (the European equivalent of GPS)


    The A380 is a marvel of management excellence compared to the cr** we have every day trying to get this project to work.


    I swear I will start shooting the French and the Italians before I get out of this project.



  15. I have to admit that I think I get the best of both worlds - I "live" in Thailand since we moved from the UK 2 years ago, but work 6 weeks in Europe and take 2 weeks back in Pattaya every 2 months.


    It is like having a great holiday every 2 months, and living like a king, but I have to say that the main reason is the Thai people, who I have always found to be really friendly, even to a Farang such as me.


    The other reasons are:

    - good food at cheap prices - I adore the Thai food, but even when I get a craving for English "cooking" there are always places to find it, good service, smiling waitresses, what more can you want?

    - Tesco and Carrefour when you want the stuff from Europe, Thai shops of all shapes and sizes for everything else

    - Good service - I echo the sentiments about Tuk.com - I recommend pattaya2You computer stall as when I go in there they will install the software I need on my laptop for work, and I pay them about 100 baht as a "tip" for doing it - amazing

    - Housing - the prices are going up, but you can still have a unique, big house, land, swimming pool outside Pattaya for the same price as a dull "estate" semi in the UK.

    - nights out, without mentioning the girls, there are always places to go out - I especially like just wandering the bars and listening to live music - if it is not the Blues factory, then just walking past the bars and diving into anyone that is playing "hotel california" - is my trick for just finding a new bar to chill out, drink a beer and enjoy some music

    - Working?, sitting on the balcony of the Royal Garden having a sandwich and coffee at 7pm and taking a telecon call from Germany - those poor bastards are stuck in the office while I am watching the sea, the beach and the sights of Pattaya.

    - Golf, where else can you get on a pro course as a inexpefrienced, or nearly complete beginner - I think I made one hole at St Andrews into a par 20 - but nobody cares, including the lovely young golf caddies.

    Try going to a club in the UK or USA and doing that...

    - Schools - I think the school fees are less than half those in UK and Europe for a private school, and believe me, that is a big cost

    - Tax, there is no comparison with what I would have to pay in Europe...


    Yes, things in Pattaya are changing, yes the baht is going higher, yes the air fares are extortionate, yes it is not as Farang-friendly as maybe a few years ago, but the main reaon I like living in Thailand is I am happy when I am there, and when I am working away in Europe (as now), I am eager to get back



  16. there is one more way to get the Tv from Uk and USA now, they were selling a box at Christmas called a "slingbox"




    Basically, you need a broadband connection at both ends, and on the UK (or US end) you connect the box between the antenna and the broadband connection - this then streams the TV content to you over the internet.


    the box has a tuner, so you can change channels remotely from the listening end.


    Quality is fair - depends sometimes on the connection, but is good enough for normal TV, but not for HD etc.

    Can also be connected to a Sky box in the UK.


    I have one set up at my sisters house in the UK, so my kids can watch the UK childrens programs when they get back from school


    I think this will become popular with the expats.

  17. I live up in East pattaya, near the Regents school, and there are 2 new roads being built.


    Firstly, the road 36 is being upgraded to a motorway and will have a new section coming down the east side, east of the Mabrachan lake - they are already constructing a lot of this and the bridges up by the 36 went in last week.


    Secondly, they are building a new road on spare land next to the railway line, to take some of the traffic away from Sukhumvit Rd.

    this follows the line of the railway all the way down, and a lot has been completed, but not tarmac yet (so people already use it, but unless you have a motorcycle or a good 4x4, I would not risk your normal car on it yet.

    From the reports last week, the Army Engineers that are doing the top section in East Pattaya, say they will be finished in October - could well be true judging from what is happening.


    As to the original question, there is a hell of a lot of building going on in east pattaya, and especially at the north end villages are springing up all over the place - and the prices are going crazy (3-4 bed villas with a private pool, now going for 15-20m baht, such as the new ones built by Regents school, or horseshoe point).


    I have to feel that this may crash, as the enforcement of the land laws and the strength of the baht, mean that Thais are priced out of the market and the farangs have been put off.


    Would be interesting to hear of any of the BMs are real-estate agents and could tell us what is happening on the ground.

  18. Alan sir..


    Seems like the computer is the way to go, sure there are a few people can set it up for you

    But as you were so kind as to ask the punters for their views I would like to give mine.

    The bars all seem to do either "car-alarm" or some old rock (Club Nevada in an afternoon for instance)

    It is nice to have a bar which would occasionally have a theme night - 60s, 70s, disco etc

    Might pull in the punters, and if you have the computer installed, ios pretty cheap to get the MP3 discs from Tuk.com



  19. I hope this helps...


    About 6 months ago I had surgery on my hand in Bumrungrad, but I do not know if they specialise in the surgery you need.The hospital itself looks more like a hotel than a hospital whn you first go in.


    Made an appointment ot see the doctor on the Tuesday, he booked me in for the surgery on the Wednesday.

    The doctor I used had very good English, also he was the one doing the consulting and the surgery, which is helpful.


    They gave me a full medical check on the Tuesday - this seems to be mandatory.

    Operation on the Wednesday was done using an anaesthetic to the neck - not something I had seen before, a cross between a local and a general anaesthetic. Fell asleep during part of the surgery, but recovered very quickly after it.


    looking at the result 6 months later, was very well done, if a little over-enthusiastic about the amount of stiches used (about 40 for one hand/finger).


    Was better than a similar operation in the UK 3 years earlier.


    Went back 1 week later to see the same doctor, who took out the stiches himself and applied the dressing - he did ask me to come again in 3 weeks time, but I was already leaving Thailand - this is the part that you may want to consider - you will not be able to follow up so easily if there are any later problems.


    I did not stay overnight, but they did show me the accomodation book, which has various standards from shared wards, to private rooms which go up to the 3 star hotel standard.

    The cost was more than an equivalent hotel in Bangkok, but not outrageously so.


    Cost for the operation but no overnight stay was about 60,000 baht, which is about 2000 US, including medicines and prescriptions.


    As my surgery is for a congenital condition which reoccurs, I would (will) use them again.


    Hope this helps

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