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About jordan52

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    United States
  1. well I bought my tickets from cathy and wanted to know if anyone has flown cathy and info about the comfort of flight? thanks for all the info guys
  2. thanx for the info everyone , keep it comming, I know there are plenty of people on the board who can use this info.... so much info to be gained on this board I know that cathay air comes a personal tv at every seat, does thai air come with that or any of the other airlines? What is the best ccard for airline miles? i.e. best promotion thanx again for the info guys
  3. What's up everyone? I have been to pattaya before but this time around I need to know what is going to be the cheapest flight for me and a friend on feb 22 returning march 10.? I will be leaving from los angeles. Any help would be appreciated . i found a flight from cathay airlines for 906 dollars. Is there anything better? help me out veterans, i know you guys are a lot wiser than me
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