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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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  1. Lots of different room choices, starting with a standard with king bed and shower/tub combo for 1000 baht, moving up to a somewhat larger room with balcony for 1400, I think. Then there is a room with an extra twin bed just off the entry (use your imagination, lol), otherwise same as the larger room for 1650. Finally a suite, not sure but I think it had a tub/shower combo too, around 1800 baht as I recall, thus a bit cheaper than Sandy Spring on the suite plus brand new. No room safes, but safety boxes at reception. All room prices include a buffet breakfast that runs until 11AM, so I made it
  2. AA Residence has 2 pools. The rooftop one is quite large, but you have to go to the ground floor to access the elevator to it from the new wing. There's a glass door to it. You can see it. You just can't get to it. TIT.
  3. Normal rooms don't have safes, but there are safety boxes at reception. I like staying there a lot, and reception/ girls id check is much nicer than at Condotel. Also stayed at the new AA Residence, just up the Soi, next to the Lek. Brand new, and should be easy to get a room there, unlike SS. Didn't know they had wifi. Did it work ok? I'm booked there starting on Jan. 26th.
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