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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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  1. your fucked mate at least i made some money and got sorted before i discovered thailand,and i think i am strong willed but the thailand buzz is stronger than crack cocaine, YOU ARE FUCKED. sorry
  2. those people handing out scratch cards where you can win a t shirt or whiskeybasically they are about time share they earn pretty good money,certainly enough to live on,shame every one thinks you are a parasite.
  3. cheers guys, looks like im gonna have to party for 6 months then.
  4. hi does any one know of a way to make a living in pattaya other than owning a bar or guesthouse or restaurant,i know a lot of you have retired but im only 33 and need to live in los i aint got a pension but i have a nice bit in the bank and a property in uk.i just cant get los out of my head,it is all i live for and dream of.if i went with no back up plan i would ruin my self and spunk my money up the wall in a mission of self destruct, but staying in the uk is so depresing and knowing that i dont need to work as such aint helping in the fact . i want to be in los at least 6 months at
  5. have you ever seen the rain creedance clearwater revival
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