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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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  1. its on here http://www.novagroupthailand.com/nova_mirage.asp i clicked on "show more photos" and it came up as a warning attack site??? but that fist page seemed ok chris
  2. if your young and single and not botherd there fine, i know lots of lads reg stay there, and at 5 am they all go back to hotel pissed and stright into pool shouting etc, its that type of hotel, if ya a bit oldeer and want a bit more quite try this list http://soi6cornerbar.wetpaint.com/page/Hot...and+guesthouses
  3. well good luck youll find every thing ya need here, most people are really friendly its a big city just like anywhere else in the world some people will try to rip ya off, but one thing for sure your gonna have a good time! if i can help at all let me know! our web site shows some bits, might kill an hour or 2! http://soi6cornerbar.wetpaint.com/
  4. http://www.fairproperties.com/web%20maps/z...ed-added-c.html if ya seen it before no probs but it might be handy for someone!
  5. Good man, hope everything goes ok for ya, keep us posted on the hotel cos im in soi 6 corner bar just over road from skytop all day (call in and say hi) and always getting asked for hotels. I used to recomend skytop until a guy id recomennded told me about them building a breeze block wall in his room doorway while he was in it, so if it ok again ill recomend it.
  6. skytop reported to having building works going on, same queen vic. but you could ask them to confirm. if its soi 6 area ya after try craig at bustop on soi 6, hes got very nice rooms and also tropical berts both good. carlton round corner bit older if ya like but big pool, anakan house NEVER unless you want to find out theve double booked for an extra 50 bhat! Good luck
  7. when you say your 4 hours away from phucket, you might be closer to another airport that might serve you better with your choice of destinations. Krabi, surat thani (near to ko samui area), trang all have airports in your area and ill bet theres more. good luck.
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