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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Thaiempire

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  1. looking to ship all my stuff out of the uk, to thailand. if anybody has used any shipping agents that they would recommend please. or any other advice. thanks.
  2. I have recently had to return to the UK and bought a garage for storage.Its not attached to a house,just in a line of garages. After the deal had been completed i realized my solicator has not sent me any deeds for the building. I have been in touch with the estate agent and solicator but both have failed to respond to my questions. I have no deeds to the garage that i bought. Any advice from anybody would really help. Thanks.
  3. Yes the Sports bar is still up for rent or sell. Sorry i did not reply before but i have decided against the auction. All the best. Paul.
  4. Hi everybody, I have decided to Auction off the bar and the single unit next door. I will let you know dates times etc. All the best. Paul.
  5. Hi, 50/50 transfer means that when we exchange the title deeds at the land office the goverment will levy a cost depending on what the property sells for.These costs will be split 50/50 with the seller and buyer. I am not desperate to sell, but my initial valuation was to high. Thanks. Paul.
  6. Dropped the price. 5.5 million baht for the bar. 2.6 million baht for the single unit,next door. 50/50 transfer.
  7. Thaiempire


    Hi, Just to let everybody know about Major Complex cinema(2nd rd Pattaya THE AVENUES).You get a card that gives you points every time you go.Then you can exchange these points for special offers,for free. Paul.
  8. All the bicycles are gone now. Thanks for everybodys help.
  9. Thanks for everybodys comments,and this site for letting me advertise the bar. I had a great time running the bar, and meeting some great people. You do not pay any key money,no rent,no deposit all you pay is the maintenance fee every year. Its not easy,and not for everyone,but if you like meeting people, and up for a challenge, then try running a bar. Its life changing. The bar is in a good location with more then 3,000 units on site.Great expat community here.The site is well run. I will be holding an opening evening in the bar for anybody interested,somtime soon. Happy New Yea
  10. S2 rooms 12 and 13. In farang name. Maintenance is 5,200 per unit 10,400 2 units just paid. 120 sq metres Includes Pool table,Darts board fridge, chairs etc. Living accomodation at the rear of the bar. The site has 2 swimming pools,gyms and is 5 minutes walk from the beach. Price is 7 million baht 50/50 trfs. Please call Paul 085-2879-394.
  11. The price of the bicycles is now 4,000 baht for the 2nd hand and 5,000 for the new bicycle. Please call me if you wish to see. 085-2879-394 Thanks.
  12. They are all priced the same at 5,500 ,but i am open to offers. Thanks.
  13. I have bicycles for sell. Prices from 5,500 ono. Open from 3pm at Sports Bar Jomtien beach condominium. Paul.
  14. sports bar from 3pm. bar stools 450 ono. la bicycles 5,500 ono glass doors and shelves. shelf.
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