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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About biosludge

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  1. Yeah, to get a retirement visa, you have to have a Thai bank account, and a lot of banks won't open an account for you without a year-long visa. A bit of a catch 22. After checking with a number banks, finally tried Bangkok Bank, and they opened an account for me, no problem(didn't have to go to immigration). I have also heard that Kasikorn Bank is very friendly to foreigners.
  2. Yeah, I think you are probably right about location and the number of users at a particular time. That would explain why different people have had so many different experiences with the same ISP.
  3. I don't know why, but different financial instituions have radically different requirements for wiring money from the USA. My credit union is the easiest. I just send them a secure e-mail requesting a wire transer to my Bangkok Bank or Kbank account, and presto, the money appears the next day. On the other hand, Fidelity Investments where I have an account places all kinds of absurd requirements on Money wire transfers (basically, if you are living outside the US, just forget it). I also have an e-trade account, and they are far more friendly in this regard. Once you have set this feature
  4. Wow. After hearing all the complaints about other ISP, it sounds like TT&T isn't so bad after all. I guess I'll just try to be patient and hope they get their problems fixed sometimes soon. Thanks for all the feedback
  5. 800000 baht for bypass surgury in Thailand? That sounds awfully high. My girlfriend's mother had bypass surgury at Bangkok Hospital down in Hat-Yai, and the whole thing (including rehab) came to 160000 baht. Maybe he should shop around a bit.
  6. I have been using TT&T since ariving in Pattaya, but have been very dissatisfied with it lately. When is works it's ok, but sometimes it just freezes up and I have to resort to my dail-up connection. Any tips would be appreciated
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