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About steve(jr)

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    Junior Poster

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  1. hey service man if you are going to be in patts their are 5 of us americans coming in from iraq and afghan that are all going to be staying at the vault near walking street from th 18th to the 4th
  2. i will be arriving at 8 am at bkk so if anyone else needs a ride
  3. i will be at the vault hotel just right down the street ....from the 18th feb to the 4th mar
  4. i have only been to thailand once but i flown around the world many times and nowadays 98 percent of all airlines have personal tv's on flight over 5 hours but it is definitly a fact that if you want to be comfortable fly business class on the cheap airlines or spend the extra money and go with a good airlines such as thai or emirates,,,,,,,,in which thai and emirates is not much more than the others if you calculate in the comfort and service and also with the cheaper airlines it is a higher chance of some lady with three screaming kids sitting beside you because she couldnt afford the better
  5. just got back 5 days ago and i have 11 weeks , 4days and about 8 hours left until next trip but who is counting
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