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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About smoozer

  • Rank
    Advanced Poster
  • Birthday 11/21/1966

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  • Location
    Okinawa, Japan
  1. Monkeyman, I laughed so hard I fell off my chair. That was the funniest I have seen in a long time. My stomach still hurts. smoozer
  2. 12) Farang come Thailand and rent my car. He have accident and no have money. I must pay to fix car. 13) I am happy you come back Pattaya. You be my sponsor? 14) Hello Darlingggg! I miss you why you no give me money to save for you when you come bangkok? 15) You are Farang You always lady first. You pay! I no pay anything in Thailand. I Thai lady! Keep the thread going!! Smooze
  3. I am a white guy and I was in one of the go go's that prefers to service asian men I.E. Japanese mostly. I was treated as if I was not even there. I was staring at some of the girls there and they didnt even seem remotley interested in me. If you want to know more hit up Smittyjp or Baztench. They know which Go Go I am taking about. I forgot the name of it. It is near the carousel bars next to Frozen Go Go. Smoozer
  4. If you want to impress a girl take her to the hard rock cafe hotel and pay a ridiculous 3,500 baht a night for a suite room and that will impress her so much that she might want to marry you on the spot ;D Smoozer
  5. Has anyone noticed how nice and smooth the road is now along beach road? I was there after they finished laying concrete (Yes I said concrete!) Not Asphalt. The road is nice and smooth but still has the same amount of crazy drivers during the day. I hear they will close the road on Saturday or Sunday for foot traffice only. I bet that will suck when it comes time to take a walk to the mall or down to walking street. Have fun all and see you on the road to walking street sometime this or next year. Smoozer
  6. Has anyone stayed at the ambassador hotel on sumkumvit road? I usually stay at the Nana hotel and my friends this trip want to stay at the ambassador hotel. Any information would be of great help. Thanks smoozer
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