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  1. "Also keep in mind, what sticks out can get broken." That advice about cameras or general advice for butterflying in Pattaya?!? Thanks anyway - if 1.3 mp can take shots like that then I'll take your advice and go for the point'n shoot jobby. But I can't resist the sexy ones - so you've made up my mind for me - the Canon IXUS. And no bits sticking out! ;D
  2. Cess, Thanks for the fantastic selection mate & the link - you a photographer? Well it worked - I'm truly "home"sick now. A couple of questions: 1. Which hotel did you stay at? I've never stayed on the beach but those pictures from the balcony look inviting. 2. What type of camera did you use / how many megapixels? I'm thinking of getting a digital but get confused the more reviews I read - yours look just fine to me. Cheers again for reminding us all.
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