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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by thomas

  1. see your comments, I am a 3rd-class user with CI. always flighing AMS-BKK with CI (and back, of cause), about 4 times a year (sometimes less, sometimes more). From a 3rd-class user-view its this: It-s o.k., I flew thai, ltu, many arab-companies with many stopp-overs. Once they robbed me in (forgot the country, near india). I saw a lot of airports, small ones and bigger ones. Sometimes I had a lot of time on these airports. But until I only fligh with CI, I got a "frequent-fligher-card", I had upgrades many times, also flew 2nd class many times and 1st class once (upgrades). Of cause, 1st
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