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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

The genuine Mr Pastry

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Everything posted by The genuine Mr Pastry

  1. Carry on, for someone who has said in their into that they are no stranger to the forums, you would have come across my nicj at some stage, unless of course you are telling porkies, wiggy.
  2. At least I am now releaved that there is no way that this retard could be linked to my goodself. Dontcha, I trust that you have seen my post re this subject on PL. For any others who make be in doubt one just has to lookat who is the top poster on that board. It is a sad day when someone has not even the originality to think of a board name, but rather clone one. Good day
  3. I am glad to see you admit that, but actually its nearly 8k of posts elsewhere. As long as I am not associated with a spastic such as yourself, I will be happy Mr Pastry
  4. Welcome Troll, I am not sure why you have chosen that name, but do not confuse yourself with Mr Pastry on other boards, which is me (Grazel), have fun, I am sure that you will start start flaming before long. Bit sad really, but I am sure that if you had a life, you would probably be elsewhere, Good luck
  5. I have not logged on here for ages, but I was alerted by a fellow BM elsewhere that My nick name on another board PL has been cloned here. Having read that persons posts just now, its obvious that they are trolling this board and using it to insult other members. I would like to point ouit that this sad, perhaps intellectually challenged individual has nothing to do with me what so ever. I am Mr.Pastry on PL and Grazel on Thaigers (moderation) I have absolutely no need to be posting such rubbish here, and wish this forum no harm. Please accept this post as a disclaimer, there
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