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About Gnapatt

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  1. It looks like I'll be going to Pattaya after all. Lets see what I can find now. Think I've contacted 7 places so far, should think atleast one of them would have a room for the duration of my stay.
  2. Thanks, I'm in the process of finishing my plans now. I hope to know for sure how to do within a week. /Gnap
  3. Thanks for the replies. Should it be that I need a room getting it sound like it is possible, attleast at some of the places mentioned. Should they all be booked I asume there are plenty other hotels that have rooms. can always change hotel/guesthouse if it's too bad.
  4. Had I know for sure that I would be needing a room I would have booked =) Now the thing is that I already have plans and somewhere to stay. I was merely looking into having any of these as a possible backup plan. And as a backup plan I can't really go and book a room. =/
  5. To make a long story short, I'll be in Thailand for the better part of September, I got plans for the entire visit there, but I feel that some sort of a backup plan would be nice. I've got my lodging sorted, if nothing goes sour. What I'd be interested to know is how easy it would be to get some decent lodging in Pattaya if shit should go wrong during my stay there and I suddenly would find myself in need of a room. I've been looking around and there seems to quite a few places around that suits my needs. Nothing fancy, AC, good beds/Shower and clean and ofcourse GF. The ones I'v
  6. Just curious now. There is a what looks like a leaf on the armband of the tall girl to the right in the picture. That leaf is looking strangely familiar... Is it what I think it is?;
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