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About the_edge

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  1. ...like many others also experienced both... , IMHO it just depends on every single night for what u are up too..., but why not haveing both at one night... ,...take a cutie from the beer bar, ask her if she likes Gogos 8),...most of them love it to go to Gogos to check out the girls there ,...specially when it´s there first time to a Gogo.., u can have great sanuk doing so... :D cheers the edge
  2. hi winner, within the last two month I´ve been twice to the RG and never regreted it doing so :), the rooms are big, you got a safe in your room, service is excellent and most of all the girls love the RG, so book it quick before it´s gone.. enjoy your trip and have sanuk tom ...BTW if you want to have detailed information about the all the cons and pros of the RG click on this thread and you will have every answer to your question http://www.freelancerbar.com/cgi-bin/yabb/...;num=1028379521
  3. @rhoel allthough it will be the RG for my first trip I want to thank you for that in detail report on flipper... and to all the other guys thank you so much for giving that much input ;)
  4. hey i´m really amazed by all the replies from you guys, first when i started to plan our trip i was more or less lost in all that information but i guess i found the right place here, and thanks to you guys i think it will be a great trip and i think i will not be the only falang there in october who can count on you vets ;D @TURBO concerning that suite with two seperate bedrooms....will it still be no problem to bring in the girls if we are staying in the same suite and do you maybe know how much the price will be for FLB members????
  5. @ tom thanks again :-) there is only one more question left!!!! we will arrive in bkk and will stay there for two nights prior pattaya..., maybe you can tell me also what´s the best way to go to pattaya..., should we take a taxi or bus or whatever...., i also found several information about this topic but i´m not sure wht´s really the best way could you please give me accurate information concerning prices and circumstances!!! best wishes the edge...by the way also named tom in "real life" :-)
  6. thank you guys for that quick reply!!!! ...so it seems to me it will be the RG for my first trip... ...in your opinon should i make special requests when booking, concerning the location, which floor, which side, of my room??? cause i´ve seen on the pictures that there are also rooms close to the poolside, and if it´s possible i´ll try to avoid that!!!! ...also i´m travelling with a friend of mine, we want to have two seperated rooms but do you know it there is the possibilty to have rooms with connected doors?!? ...we plan to go there by the mid of october, will the rate, 1300
  7. First of all sorry for another thread with that issue, but as i have never been to pattaya it´s pretty though for me to make the perfect decision where to stay, allthough there are many usefull information on this board it is´nt that easy, specially if u don´t know the area and the distances ??? ??? from my point of view i would rather stay in the RG, it looks very clean and nice to me, BUT my biggest concern is, isn´t it too far away from the action???? from all the information i get out of this board here is that the flipper seems to be much closer to the action, but it doesn´t loo
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