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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Black Stallion

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About Black Stallion

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    United States

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    Los Angeles

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  1. Hello Gents, I am planning my first trip in June to Pattaya, and one of my female friends on FB suggested the Fraser resort hotel. Can anyone give me any feed back about this hotel? The prices were reasonable, but I would like more info on it. Will they pressure my guest? Do they serve breakfast or any other ameneites? Any insight is welcomed?
  2. Hey Paul, Young Black American here! I am planning my first trip to Pattaya later on this year and I always try to give a place at least one try! So, I will stop to see what type of place you have! Buy a couple of drinks for everyone and see what the atmosphere is like! I hope I will enjoy myself
  3. Thanks Rick, Yeah, I do love my country! But now let's get back to fun part! Since I am a newbie at this, in fact I have not been to Pattaya yet! Maybe, if where ever there at the same time we can get together and you can show me around! Have some drinks on me! My treat! Kevin
  4. Thanks Rick! Yeah, I do love my country! Well now let's get back to the fun part! I am newbie at this, maybe one day, if where ever in Pattaya at the same time, we can hang out together! You can actually show me around, have a couple of drinks on me! My treat!
  5. Speaking as a Blackman in America, I was thinking,while you were naming all those people what does that have to do with anything! Personally, I have thought that rascism was overstated and sometimes used as per say, by Black people as an excuse! True enough, there was slavery and also the civil rights struggle, but its 2009! Get over it! Its not so much as though the people you named on that list Barack Obama, Micheal Steele, Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods are out there proclaiming there blackness! A lot of those individuals just have come to the realization that its not there color what makes
  6. Thanks to all my Aussie, British, and American comrades for all the great advice. You guys really know your stuff, I think I am going to have a great time in Pattaya. Right now I have not decided on which month I am leaving on, but I will keep every one on the board informed, on when I am planning my trip to be there. I look foward to having a couple of beers with you guys, you make a green horn such as myself feel really welcomed with all the good honest feed back. I do agree, that as long as you are respectful and have some cash then every thing else should be fine. Also I really find the
  7. Bill, I tried turning on the PM but they informed that I have to wait until my full membership is approved. Before I can go to the protected pages. Black Stallion
  8. Thanks guys for all the reassurance.It's great to find good advice from more experienced travelers.
  9. Hello Gents, I am planning my first trip to Pattaya later on this year and there are several questions I would like to have help with,before I go. First I am a Black American. I was wondering would I have any problems with the the ladies or actually going into any of the bars or Go Go's in Pattaya. In the United States we have just elected our first African American President, which is a image builder for all people of color, and it is sad in some places in the world people still look at race when judging others, I have never traveled out side of America, and I am very much interested in see
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