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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About pompeyjoe

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  1. just woundered where you guys keep your money when on a night out as alot of shorts dont have zips one the pockets. and same with jeans how do you keep your dollar safe. any money belts aids or simalar things you have used or use where do you hide cash in your room stead of the safe or some in the safe and split rest up hiden around the hotel??
  2. thanks dude thats about one of the best replies ive had on this site to do with coast side of things. and yea i no what you mean.. by the big spenders or do you mean big blaggers lol
  3. a couple of hundred? i would like to have some fun not grab a few beers in a 7/11 and sit on the side of road all night lol
  4. hello thanks for reading. just woundered how would you say is a ample amount to live comfitable in pattaya a day with out hotel coasts or food costs
  5. cheers thanks darkmancomes. ill look into that
  6. hello there was woundering if any body could help me or all of you could help me lol. looking for a hotel. got to be a reasonable price. clean and tidy. and i certainly dont want my pants pulled down over the price. price rang im looking for is no more then 1,012tbh could any body or a few of you give me some names of hotels so i can check up on please many thanks
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