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Everything posted by Jenteal

  1. Woo hoo! just got back from a 3 week stay in Pattaya. Wow, everything they say about this place is absolutely true! And FLB....nice place, i love it! except that jealous bartender that got mad at me for buying the other bartenders a drink and not her....hehehe, so i had to buy her a drink the next day and not the others bartenders (smiles). And hello to the young dark cutie bar girl i picked up from FLB on my first night in Pattaya almost 3 weeks ago. Was a very nice time. I shall return in about 7 months. I'm hooked!
  2. Thank you so much for the positive input. As i am writing this, i am about 5 hours away from getting on the plane and travelling to Thailand. I'll be staying in Pattaya at the Residence Garden. My first stop after a bit of rest to get rid of jetlag will be FLB. My wardrobe is all set. All the various sundries are bought. Now all i have is a long long plane ride to think and imagine all the fun that is to be had when i arrive. When in FLB, i'll be the sharp dressed man with a big smile. See you all there!
  3. I will be travelling to Thailand and visiting Pattaya from Oct. 11 to 29. Will be my first trip to Thailand. I plan on visiting the FLB when i arrive. I also have booked accomodations at The Residence Garden. My question is... What is the proper clothes to wear while travelling to Thailand and what proper clothes to wear while visiting Beer Bars? I want to look sharp, but not too formal. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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