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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About charliew

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  1. Roy Thanks much. Had read the reviews and couldn't figure the best way to go. I'll try another mail :) Charliew
  2. BigDUSA Thanks for your reply. I'm bringing along an older guy who wants the best accom. possible without guest hassles - his first time in LOS, my first in Pattaya for 14 years. Figured Sabai would be OK but no in room safes Is the Sabai Inn 'better' than the Lodge? Charliew
  3. Hi CG Thanks for your reply. I was just asking about rates so pretty simple stuff. I'll try yet again! We're in town 6 October through 12/13 - hope I haven't left it too late to get booked in. Sounds like a good hotel; I'm leery of booking anything more upmarket in case the guest policy proves a no no. Best Charlie
  4. Hi Guys Talking of the Sabai Lodge; wanted to book in for October but can't seem to get any e-mail replies - anyone else having same trouble? Cheers Charlie
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