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About ShiftySteve

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    Junior Poster

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Cool, thanks SSS. I wonder if they're the same curtains from 24 years ago
  2. Andy, instead of reposting a load of pics, how about linking your earlier post. A few pics in there from yours truly as well..... http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/52413-a-pic-amongst-many1988/
  3. A hero and influence of mine in my younger days, and I was fortunate to meet him through work on a number of occasions. Truely gutted RIP
  4. Hard to say, but the GFE's were in abundance with very little mention of money up front, that being very much 'up to you'. Being a skinny 24yo may have swung the balance in my favour somewhat And Villa, in case your calculator has run out of batteries, that makes this 'old bastard' a couple of years older than you!
  5. Aug 91. Sorry guys, no racey pics this time, just a few from a trip to Ubon and Wonderful Bar on 2nd rd. Might have some more somewhere but they'll probably need to be scanned.....
  6. All nom pics were shot in TQ1 with the exception of the girl pulling her white top up which was the Billion Bar. She was a 9.9/10 imho and I still wonder to this day whether those noms were real or not - they sure didn't feel fake!
  7. Nov 1990. Pattaya, Kanchanburi and then back to Pattaya :)
  8. Apr '90, second trip and getting into the swing of things. TQ1 and Billion bar (cutie with big noms!) were regular haunts. Safer to post these on the forum
  9. Imagevenue is doing my nut in...I can't get it to create a page of full-sized images. Photobucket craps out when I try to upload more than one at a time.....arrrgh! I don't know how you guys have the patience to upload to the forum one at a time Anyhoo, here's my effort from '89.
  10. Nice but you will probably get moaned at for not resizing Ok, noob question here - is it possible to upload multiple images at once?
  11. I have a fair few pics that pre-date Andy's by about 10 years! I don't want to thread feck here but I'll post some if anyone's interested.
  12. Hmm, looks like I'm going to pre-date most of the responses with memories of my 89-91 trips! A big hit with the TG's at the time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8TBfV49SRU This always reminds me of that era: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AfTl5Vg73A Lam morrison playing the scorpions got me onto this track and there's something very relevant in the lyrics!
  13. The name TQ rang a bell with me and inspired me to have a look through my photo archive. Lo and behold, I found this, which was taken on beach road, back in the early 90's. Same bar relocated, perchance? :)
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