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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by backdoorboy

  1. He is 200 B dearer than at least one other reliable taxi firm.
  2. OSS, also known as The Jock Bomb used to have a missus who owned a laundry, ask him.
  3. I can't say fairer than that pal, I look forward to the apology.
  4. tell you what supersluth, why dont you email his hotmail and ask for a quote and see what you get back?
  5. ----- 转发邮件 ---- 发件人: มานิตย์ ปานขาว <mr_ttaxi@hotmail.com> 收件人: 发送日期: 2010/1/29 (周五) 11:53:24 下午 主 题: RE: Taxi service to and from Pattaya 11th. February 2010 Hello Everything confirm.Please look your name on the board at exit door when you arrived.If you have any problem please call 66 81-2587716.I charge you for taxi is 1,200 bath all include from old airport to Pattaya and 900 bath all include for return to new airport. Thank you Mr.T Now you can booking at www.pttaxiservice.com That is a C+P from the email. I don't care what you suspect, it came from his hotma
  6. Sorry if this has been done before but being new I cant see the rest of the board. I have been coming to Pattayafor a few years now and started using MrTtaxi about 2 years ago. I have just recommended him to a friend and at the bottom of his conformation email he says that one can now be booked via this website. http://www.pttaxiservice.com/. I was quite surprised when I saw this. He used to have an office behind LK Metro, just of Soi Dianna, but he seems to have moved up in the world. Teh website gives prices to and from various places as well. I have to say I have used this service (assumin
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