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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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  1. This is copied from Budget website. Price is for Toyota Vigo 4WD for one month and insurance is required 200 bht/day. The Jock Bomb, next time you want advertise Budget or Avis, open your own topic !!!! Base rate: 30 Day, 1,336.45 per Day40,093.50Required Excess Reduction(ER): Insurance is required at B200.00 (B200.00 per day included in Base Rate) Standard Insurance excess from B10,000 Child Safety Seat: 500 Additional Charges and Discounts: Local Tax:2,806.55Estimated Total (THB): 42,900.05 THOSE prices are legal robbery, better to stay on these ... just check and compare !
  2. Webpage is now open with new rates !!! M&L RENT Behind BIG C Duck Square, South Pattaya Road 20150, Chonburi, Pattaya http://www.mrmarco.co.cc
  3. Well, as we all know here in Thailand a little bargain can make wonders...
  4. Now 2009 Toyota Fortuner available !!! 18000 bht/week, 26000 bht/2 weeks and 44000 bht/month M&L RENT Behind BIG C South Pattaya Rd.,Duck Square 20150 PATTAYA CONTACT: 08 4466 9803/ Miss Lina ( Eng./Thai )
  5. Thank's for suggestion! There are no big differences between car rental companies and like you said, they are everywhere. But you have be careful renting for a Thai owened private car... reminds me Jetski rentals in some cases... Have a nice (rainy)day!
  6. Honda City: 1400/day, 8200/week, 21000/month=700 a day!!! Mistubishi Triton and Toyota Vigo: 1500/day, 10000/week, 28000/month Toyota Fortuner: 3000/day, 18000/week, 44000/ month And sick buffalo, thank you for your comments!
  7. Two Mitsubishi Triton and a Honda City are available at the moment! Now is a perfect time to make a long time car rental deal before the high season...
  8. Toyota Fortuner 2009, Honda City 2009 (2), Mitsubishi Triton 2009 and 2010, Toyota Vigo 2008 From 700 bht/day All Automatic With Air-Con Full Insurance Included Discount For Long Time Rentals M&L RENT Behind BIG C, South Pattaya Rd., Duck Square 20150, Chonburi, Pattaya Contact: 08 4466 9803 (Eng/Thai)
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