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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Hahahaha yes right, well 15 years of visits to Thailand, I guess I might be still learning the pitfalls. How about you take off your Rose colour glasses about Oz and Nz. Your taxes go on paying for boat people and refugees who are going to sit on there ases for the rest of their lives. Oh you are soon going to be paying tax on Carbon for fuck sake.............So I think I would rather a Thai shit down my throat by my choice, Devils Den would be a good place to start, it would be better than fucked up the ass by my own government and not be able to do a damn thing about it!!!!!!! By the way be
  2. Hahaha, I give you a break on the flag front, your right there. But seriously, what do you think about the content of that website? First, the tragic stories, very upsetting, but some of those posting on there are just down right rude. It was started up by a father but has been ambushed by red necks. I think they forgot a moderator for the site!!!!!!
  3. I dont think I said anything about google to find this web site. I actually read the story in my local paper "THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD" Thats right, Sydney AUSTRALIA, you may have heard of it. Trust me there is a difference between OZ and NZ. So cynical, yet so far from the truth. Nevermind nice try.
  4. Oh, I wouldnt be so sure about the fact that Farangs wouldnt jump off balconies. There are plenty of lonely men out there, and after spending a few weeks in Pattaya, and usually all their hard earned money, many of them cannot face going home to freezing Europe or where ever they come from. Sad but all too true.
  5. Found a website set up in relation to deaths of tourists in various locations in Thailand. Some interesting cases, but what was shitting was, the whole site turned into a Thai tourism beat down. Check out some of the responses and you will see what I mean. I have to say of the clowns that commented would be better off staying at home anyway, nothing but soft cocks or elderly woman, who expect the same treatment as back home. Check it out and tell me what you think:- http://www.thailandtraveltragedies.com/ Cheers
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