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About bbqbob

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  1. my sincere apologies to all forum board members i neglected to mention that the 10% discount we are offering to boeard members does not apply to our daily specials. so sorry for any confusion this omission may have caused anyone .Thanks Dale P.S to the gentleman from texas with the phillipino wife who ordered one of our specials last night and tried to get the 10% discount .because of my error in offering this discount without all the details please feel free to come by again it will be on the house for you and your wife. Once again my apologies
  2. That means a lot coming from you sir! Thank you and hope to see you sometime soon.
  3. Our "board member 10% off discount and 2 for 1 on all drinks" promos are filling the seats. This has been a good week and I really enjoy meeting all of you. There are some bar or restaurant owners whom you never meet or speak with. I am the opposite. I love to hear your (face to face) feedback and I am here to listen and try to make things better all the time. I want you to know you have my ear anytime. Please keep my phone number nearby and if there's any problems, questions, or just to tell me you're coming by, don't be shy: 0800872750. You see who I am in the photos so don't be shy to s
  4. Pretty exciting today in that we sold 3 Wagon Wheels (our biggest burger) in 1 hour. 1 in house and 2 delivery. I'm thinking of suggesting on the menu that it feeds 2 easily. Have you tried the Wagon Wheel Challenge yet? Here's a few other dishes. The beans and chili are my home made recipe and are very popular side dishes. I feel the nachos could be thicker with cheese and cream. Do you like it heavy or light as it's currently served? I had a good laugh seeing the look on the Thai customer's face when the Wagon Wheel arrived.
  5. Many new photos to be shot and posted tomorrow. Thank you for the feedback.
  6. After receiving a few PMs since posting our board member 10% off offer, it was pointed out that you want to see our menu. Ask and you shall receive. Here you go:
  7. Happy new year to all our customers, old and new. My name is Dale Burney, I am the new owner of BBQ Bob's on Soi LK Metro (off Soi Diana near Club Blu and Lolitas). Since taking over BBQ Bob's in October 2010, I have barely had a moment to catch my breath but I'm having a blast learning the ropes to give you what you want and how you want it. Customer is #1 and my staff and I know this. My girlfriend and I are really excited to bring you up to date on our 2011 promotion: All board members get 10% off just by mentioning the name of this forum. You don't even have to be a member, just let
  8. thanks for the well wishes and i have to say once again ihave not ignored any complaints cause i haven't heard any until i joined these forums and i don't believe i said anything about a recipe adjust towards this complaint and as far as where i buy my supplies the thread stated that a waitress who was quitting when she got paid was talking about somethin g she has absolutely no idea about having said that i can say the food products i buy are fresh not frozen and in my opinion as good as any out there at a fair and reasonable price.o why don't you come on in and give a try, if you think my
  9. because i was not aware of it and it was not mentioned at all to me when i was at the rh
  10. if you had any suggestions i'm all ears . i had 1 yesterday and it was pretty good to me
  11. sure, novice to forums that i am i can't locate where those posts are at that forum to be able to respond
  12. i will most definitely look into it .personally i have tried the chicken wings and they were pretty darn good but sometimes reteaching recipes takes an adjustment that sometimes has to be retaught until the quality i desire and paying customers require is achieved thank you for you input it is very valuable to me as a new restaraunt owner .Dale
  13. yes it is .looking forward to your visit and the satisfied smile on your face when you leave
  14. yes i am well aware of the situation and i believe the situation is on the upward swing the quality has definely improved and we have the items on the menu the way it is supposed to be in a restaurant thanks for the warm welcome and the headsup , Dale
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