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I am not in any hole I can see anyone who wants what we offer can contact us or not. I do not need a sales technique its expats that need the visa. Telling the world what you think is my best technique and I am sticking to it. I do think its a good idea to close it.
Yeah HP hope this warning reminds you not to hijiack and shit on peoples threads for no reason in the future. I accept your apology.
Whose definition, yours or the Thai governments? Our courses meet their guidelines not yours. Plenty of people are passing the Thai test with immigration just fine and renewing. If someone does not study and fails the test it is their fault not ours. Everything we do is legal according to Thai law and above board. Do you think you are a moral authority for our students? Do you make the rules and certify schools? Do you think we have the resources to chase down every student who enrolls if they do not show up? Of course not. Then as long as you are not giv
Our language courses qualify for the one year visa. Take it how you like but obviously thats the reason people buy our language courses. Its six of one and half dozen of the other so you decide why you want to study : for the language or the visa you get both anyhow.
Ok thank you honey. Finally you give its the first sign of progress I have seen from you. I admit I am impressed that you will concede. Ok I am ready for a truce to. Nothing like a good heated debate to get your blood moving right? Thanks a lot for your support Gary. You see not everyone thinks like Mr HP its nice to find common ground with someone. I posted because I think this is a valuable service to members here. I am not interested in making any ill will but I just couldn't help myself. I do a lot of forum marketing for some other business I have and I get irritated with
Yeah I ll get tired of mopping the floor with him eventually. He just makes it to easy and I can't resist. I will let him have the last word as I am to busy to keep this up to be honest.
QUOTE (offshoreibc @ Mar 6 2011, 10:13 AM) * Its for the visa big guy nothing else. Lets not kid ourselves. Frankly speaking yes. The Thai government allows it so why not. QUOTE (offshoreibc @ Mar 4 2011, 04:02 AM) * Its not a visa mill................... No because we really do offer the lessons and comply with the law strictly. If you do not want to learn or follow the terms of the visa we cannot force you. Some people do not learn much because THEY do not apply themselves or are not interested. Not because we do not teach. So now whether I use the edit button or not I am a
Yes well why does anyone care about anything. It seems you cared enough to answer. Who says I am not still offering the visa. If you read the thread you can see yourself I didn't start it, and I specifically said several times. No I am not here to argue but I will certainly finish a heated debate if I feel compelled to. Thanks for the welcome mat :)
No I think you are probably the clueless one. I have been in sales all my life and make plenty of money at it. I do so well I can decide who I will deal with and who I will not. Nice to have the choice isn't it? I am not like most people you have ever met that's true and I am proud of it. Its also my personality I do not care WTF anyone thinks, and there are plenty of people who respect that and admire me for having balls. I do not need any business from small minded stuck up people. Representing a school lmfao what a joke - I am just referral agent. Although we do have very
Ok glad to know thats his character. No I am offering this the way I am and anyone who can't follow my instructions is excluded from the offer and the rebate. I already explained why I have not given that info publicly. I did not have more than one or two typos and really I am not concerned with the opinion of some person who thinks I am " representing a school and should be held to a higher standard." So thanks for your valued info but you can keep your other ideas I have no use for them. Its a language school for the purpose of getting a visa for god sakes people get off your high horses
My sentiments exactly Screw - I couldnt agree more with what you said. Who cares if someone misspells something what difference does it make to anyone but that guy. I love Pink Floyd myself. You see I am a liberal also not an uptight conservative. But no sorry to disappoint everyone I do not smoke or drink a drop of alcohol its bad for your health. Yes I think I am wasting my breath on that loser but I had to get that off my chest. Thanks for lightening us all up right on dude.
There is nothing wrong with my English skills - there is something wrong with your attitude. Do not tell me what I represent and noone but you cares if a Visa agent has a typo. Right if all someone can do is make nasty comments and has no interest in the service, then why would it matter. If they are interested then call. You Sir are an arrogant uptight prick. The day I learn anything from you is when hell freezes over. I absolutely detest A type perfectionists like you and I would never do business with them. I would kick you out of my office within 5 minutes of meeting you.
I haven't thread fu^&** at all. If someone wanted to be nasty I will give them my opinion of their attitude. I do not regret a word of anything I said and I believe it all to be true. I do not take sh@#$ from anyone. Especially Bullsh*(* which has no basis in logic or reason. If someone wants details about the visa they can contact me. All the other statements by honey pot are pure delusions and paranoia not reality. Unjustly is not a matter of opinion honey pot I never said one thing bad to you and asked you nicely to refrain from insulting me but you just couldn't control yourse
Yes thats true but to many people have taken the topic off course including me. Perhaps its best if the thread is deleted I do not see any resolution to some of the disagreement. If I had not been insulted so unjustly perhaps I would not have gotten off track.
Yes you are correct its written by Dale Carnegie my bad. ( See I can admit when I make mistakes unlike some people) I was confused due to the fact that its published as an audio book by Nightingale Conant. So a bit of a misnomer on my part. I think Honeypot should write a new book " How to Lose friends and repulse people with a holier than though attitude"