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About freeman69

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  1. They are not lady boys.Yes. There have been enough warnings which were ignored.,My previous trips to pattaya were pleasant and memorable,infact I had couple of GFEs with free lancers in the past all pleasant and happy and maybe I became over confident after that and that led to this unpleasant event.These girls are quite professional and I am quite sure this was not their first success and they would repeat this offence again .
  2. I had a very bitter experience in pattaya on 6th march 2011.I was standing alone in front of the central festival mall in central pattaya around 10pm waiting for my friend who was shopping around and then two stunners came on their bike and asked me whether I would be interested in a ST for 500 baht .They spoke good english both the girls are tall at 5ft7in and 5ft6in and 9 and 8 beautywise and I told them I would be interested in LT for 2000 baht and asked their mobile no so that I could call them after sometime ,they said they were not interested for a LT and drove off. My friend jo
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