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About johnpearce

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    United Kingdom
  1. Thank you teelack but i dont seem able to pm bushcraft perhaps you could pm him for me asking him to contact me sorry to be a pain
  2. Thank you both very much for your advise and i have listened the bar would not be a thai karaoke and i would only be having karaoke nights 2 times a week so as to keep it interesting and fun i also cant stand listening to thais wailing at 2 am i have not totally made my mind up and i certainly will not lose a fortune only what i can afford to lose but thanks for the advise and it is taken on board.
  3. sorry i dont think i know you and i think your language is not very tastefull i thought this was a respectable site but with people posting abusive language like you are to me and i dont even know you is not very good
  4. and why knock it on the head mate i have had 15 years experience in egypt so a challenge is easy and good for the adrennalin keeps the mind busy. i dont drink so wont be pi--ed all the time my life does not evolve around sexual encounters all the time i like to give everything to my work so why shoukld i knock it on the head explain please
  5. HI all i am planning on moving to pattaya and hopefully renting a bar to possibly do karaoke not every night but at least 2 times a week the other nights will be just normal nights with good music etc etc if anyone could give me any usefull pointers or tips i would be most grate full
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