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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by gbahder

  1. Thanks, how far out and would you have any ideas about actual places? I've been there twice, but don't know much about long term rooms except what I've been able to read on the internet. I'm planning to get there for the last week of July and maybe get a motorbike and ride around looking for visible ads, then taking a look at the rooms. I have some money, but I would like to stretch it as much as I can and still have some comforts. The teaching thing doesn't pay that great as you all probably know.
  2. Hi everybody, I'm new here, obviously. Can anyone point me towards a room in south Pattaya or Jomtien for 8-12,000 a month inclusive, 32-40 meters, starting in August, for 3-4 months? A TV, refrigerator, maybe a pool and not being more than walking distance to the beach would be nice too, maybe within 3 blocks of the water. Is it possible? I'm going to be doing the english teacher thing later so I will be staying longer, but I can't say right now if it will be in Pattaya. I've been looking online with marginal success finding a couple places like Yensabai and Selina Place, can anyone comment a
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