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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About voodoo

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  1. Im of Indian appearance too...born and raised in Australia to an Indian mum and ausie dad. I have been to Patts twice in the last 12 months the first trip I had no probs ...with any of the bars. Second trip...I was denied entry to Happy's, I asked why?. I was told this was members only club...I later found out that this was really because of my indian appearance. I went to another gogo thatnight spent 4000baht on booze, took home a hot as girl....and all was good. My advice...Is definatly go to pats, Be yourself...If u get denied entry...tell them where your from, and that your here to drin
  2. Cheers for the welcome guys...I was in Patts just that one night, Im back home in Brisbane now. Definatly keen to tag along on a bar crawl in the near future...Ill keep an eye on the threads, and see if I can get myself to the next one. Haha, I wish, not quite in proportion to my 120kg 6ft frame :).
  3. Yep, I was born in Fiji to an Indian Mum and Aussie (white) Dad, and have retained my mothers dark skin. My last trip I was with an aussie white guy and never had a problem the 10+ times we visited the two clubs. Ah well...its all good, they missed out on my 4100 baht drinks bill later that night...haha. In Australia i sometimes get refused entry because of my big size. Cheers for the replys fellas. D
  4. Hi all Was bar hopping last thursday night, and was refused entry to Happy s and Alcatraz due to not being a member!...My last visit to Patts 6 weeks earlier, I was granted entry each time no probs. Anyone know how and how much to become a member at these clubs?. I couldnt get much info out of the security. Cheers D
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