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About DiverJ

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    Diving, of all sorts!
  1. Thanks for all the replies. I used Mac/Apple back in the 90s. After coming to Japan, where there was NO support or products a decade ago, I switched to Windows & Linux, etc. It couldn't be helped... Now, with Apple locking you in to their narrow product range, esp considering music usage rights, and overpriced to boot, I would never buy an Apple product. Technology should be getting cheaper and cross-usage friendly, and Apple has gone in the opposite direction, which is very disappointing.
  2. Hmm, interesting. I certainly would like to have a look-see. I get into Pattaya on the 19th, so perhaps you could charge her up and we can meet sometime in the next while? I'm meeting a friend there, so I can't commit to a particular time until we've worked out our partying/diving/golfing/whatever schedule. I've just been using the forum a short time, so I don't know all the rules on PMs and such, so I'll let you suggest the best way. Cheers!
  3. Thanks for all the suggestions so far. I'm currently running a desktop, a new 17" notebook, an older 12" notebook, and a netbook, plus a smartphone, so I don't need a tablet, I just want one to play around with, esp Android market, but CHEAP!! I like the transformers [or having a keyboard docking station] idea, but I'm more in the market for a $100-150 Korean/Chinese knockoff than a brand name tablet. As I live in Japan, it is cheaper to buy Japanese brands here than in Thailand. So perhaps I should have said 'seeking underpriced, reliable Korean/Chinese knockoff with max price
  4. Hey glynbuk! Thanks very much for you response and that awesome link! I spent the next 30 minutes VR walking the strip!
  5. Hey there, Just wondering if you have any advice on the best place to buy tablets [tablet pcs!] in Pattaya? I'm looking for an Android tablet - not an iPad. Since I'll be coming via Bangkok [but not spending much time there], if there is huge difference I could make some time on the way out and stop off at a spot in BKK, but I hope there's somewhere in Pattaya. Many thanks!
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