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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Lost_in_LOS

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  1. Excellant!! This is great new, and choices to boot, looks like I'm gonna like this town after all. Thanks guys!
  2. Here's another one of those trivial questions only a newbie can do so well. LOL And since I have yet to set foot in Pattaya I suppose it's up to me...so here goes.... I'm pretty unimpressed by the internet infrastructure in BKK and am wondering if Pattaya is any different. There's a few websites I'd like to surf with a high-speed net connection while there. So, are there any/some/or none high-speed net cafes in Pattaya? And if so where might they be found please?
  3. Thanks for your thoughts gents. This was just what I needed to hear as I'm none too keen on the tour bus scene. I was thinking the location might be a winner. Anyway the hotel reviews section is pretty slim on the Nova Lodge Hotel of late so I think I'll book a few days there and try my luck at a superior room. If it ain't worth it I'll move along. But I can at least add a recent review as a small contribution and stay centrally located in the process. Thanks again!
  4. Hey Gang! Howzit? I'm a newbie to Pattaya, and the forum here, but done the Bangkok scene a couple of times now. Gonna make my first trip to Pattaya March 23rd but can't figure out what suits me right between: close to the action, not too much noise, close to the beach, value for the baht, yet that little oasis of sanook calm, etc. I'm entertaining prices from 800-1400 as my value point. So I saw a good rate for the Camelot Hotel at: http://www.advicehotel.com/pattaya-hotel/c...elot/index.html Anyone tried it? Is it guest friendly? Anyone wanna answer the never ending,"whe
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