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About Loser

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  1. thanks jhk for your information`s. The web side is www.thaigolfer.com is worth a visit :). The golf courses is Northern Germany are not on a hard ground they are on soft ground (swamp and march and sand land ) but even though we have very challenging courses here because of the heay seawinds. ::) Loser
  2. Thanks to all you helped me a lot with your posts. You said the same as my pro and because of this I know what to do. Testing the clubs and get a helping hand from my pro to get the right ones. That brings me to a other question did somebody know if you can rent a set of clubs in the pro shop on the vip golf tour from the FLB. I will visite Pattaya in November and think to take part at one of this tours , but for 1 or 2 times golf playing I will not take my set (which I will buy in the near future ;D) with me. For 1 or 2 Times it is to much baggage
  3. Hello all I have a question about golf. I’m a new golf player , have mad my first hours with a teaching pro. My problem is that I have heard two statements about buying a complete set ???. The first one was that is it necessary to test the clubs for buying (that said the pro but he is the owner of the golf shop in the club) ::). The other person said that is not necessary to test, he said a ((cheap) (ebay or etc.))complete set is for a new player ok and if I’m getting better and play more then testing for higher quality clubs is the way it goes. So what say the golfer of you
  4. Hi Pete thanks for the prompt answer. Email has reached my. with regards Yippppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I´m now a member ;D ;D ;D ;D
  5. Hi PattayaPete, I have a question about joining the member area Last Friday I have wrote a email to the member@freelancerbar.com , as said on the join member side, but after that I changed the email-adress for the normal board. Do I have to make the register again for the member area ? ??? with regard Loser
  6. Thanks Papa and RayW, I´m a new in playing golf (visited a Golf course here in Germany and now i´m on fire I will take lessons this year and I hope to be ready at the end of october where I go to Pattaya Because of this I´m have no equipment yet and because of this I will rent the equipment . I booked before I read the review on this great side and so i have a accomodition at the Beverly Plaza (the review only one says that the hotel is a 6 out of 10 with no pros and one counter) has anybody more information about the hotel ? ::)
  7. Hello all, I have two questions and I hope somebody can answer them. 1. Did somebody know if it is possible to rent golf equipment in Pattaya or at the golf courses ? 2. Did somebody know if the give golf lessons and how high are the prices for the lessons ? Please excuse if i have make gramar or writting errors ::) it not that often that I write in english
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