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Everything posted by Ayteaem

  1. Hi Blueeyes. Loved the pics I look every day to see what's new. If you find yourself in Soi 13/1 Yodsak I wouldn't mind seeing a few from there I used to have girlfriend from The Office Girls bar there but she has long gone but still might recognise a few old friends many thanks Ade
  2. Queen Vic in Soi Yodsak has room safes in all rooms. I stayed ther last march and had a ball good clean rooms, great people and the food was fantastic even managed Haddock and chips for a change of pace Enjoy
  3. Now we are cooking with gaseven a bit of bold ??? ???
  4. [Just like everybody else testing things out[and do not have a cleue/color]but having fun tryingfont=Verdana][/font]
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