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About shenzhenau

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  1. the said person was working tonight phil..get off your ass and look at the video tape.man up.... yes the girls free to do what she wants but why didnt the guy pay the $600 baht barfine ,he waited 3 hours and paid 400baht..i suggest all guys visiting this establishment do the same and get a girl and wait to 1.30am.. as phil told me tonight he had no problem with that.
  2. yes i saw you today phill,,i asked you how you got on with what i saw one of your staff do to that french guy when his back was turned,as i reported to you when i saw it happen on the said night,,i told you the exact time it happened and where,and told you to go check your survellance cameras,,petty theft is pretty low in my books,,but as you said to me tonight you are not willing to do anything about it as the guy never said anything,,,a bit hard for the guy to see it when his back was turned to the incedent.. seems this bar has no morals... and on the night i was 100%sober ,you decide whos t
  3. oh,,i,ll give a report back when i barfine from another establishment tonight ,hopefully the process is a lot less complicated..i,ll see if first in line means something there, and i won,t be waiting till late in the nite to get the cc barfine rate. might even call in for a beer at xzone on the way home.
  4. if she was already booked why was she negotiating with me,,a simple i,m taken already is ok by me....the guy wasn,t a cc by the amount of lady drinks he bought but too wait till exactly 1.30am to finally barfine was odd,,but a wise man once told me,",this is PATTAYA."..all in all your club is better than most in walking street and phill does a great job.
  5. was in x zone last night,i was making inquirys about barfining a girl i liked and during the process a punter walked in,the girl spotted him and said" he barfine me" and negotiations fell dead....i decided to hang around a while, in the end this guy waited 2-3 hours to bar fine this chick at 1.30am when the barfines went down.i understand this guy had barfined her in the past,fair enough,kudos to the guy ,but to wait to after 1.30am while other customers are queuing is not a good look.
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