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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by easyliving

  1. Hey guys, Any daytrader out there? Im a daytrader myself considering moving most likely to Phuket. Maybe Pattaya or Bangkok. Is there any restrictions in terms of what you are able to trade? What about tax in short? Can you do daytrading well in Thailand? In terms of speed of internetconnection, stability, timezone lifestyle and so on. Thanks in advance Love Easyliving
  2. Okay. What I dont understand yet is how Thai mentality is. Are girls very willing to do all kind of stuff from shopping, cooking, giving massage etc. Do they want to have a lot money? I heard of a friend of mine that his girl in Thailand - her kind of view was that she wants to please him because if he is happy she will be happy too.
  3. Hello community, I have a dream I want to describe to you, and where I want to know from you whether this is realistic dream or not. Short info about me: I'm young, self-employed and need only Internet for work and can work from home. My dream is: I want to organize a house in Thailand, find two Thai girls to live together with, me making EVERYTHING for me. I want to take care of NOTHING more. One girl is too boring. I want two. I want them to do shopping, cleaning, making meals, laundry, give me a massage whenever I want, talk with them when I want, and above all I want t
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