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About erniebyrne

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  1. Papa tom i aint sure but thai banks dont want to lend us money even if we work in a decent job, banks can definatley reposess houses but what good is it if the house is worth less than the outstanding money??
  2. i've lived in Thailand for about 4 yrs and work for a thai company, at the present i'm trying to buy a house around the Pattaya area the real problem is the finance! i can come up with approximatley half of the total sale price in cash but need to finance the rest, can i do this through any Thai Banks? i have heard that due to a law change we farangs cannot borrow money anymore......... if this is the case anyone got any other ideas on financing? before you ask yes i do have a thai girlfreind and she probably could borrow the money with me as guarantor but i would rather not.... if u c
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