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About MROLL320

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    Advanced Poster

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    x1|Selby (near York)|England|britain_ireland|334|243|
  1. Very highly recommended! Solicitors office opposite Bob`s BBQ grill on south pattaya road.. Very professional and efficient.. i bought land with them back in August, came recommended by a property dealer in Pattaya and a close friend. khunpico@yahoo.com PM me for more detail of you like
  2. Not company relocation... paying ourselves! so vfm essential! Davethailand.........how much per term? and is discount available for Thai. (she holds uk and thai pasport) I`ve read 25% is available to thai nationals at some schools....thanx Dave RD
  3. Any info or web sites much appreciated. Looking for family home but any advice on "buying to rent" around Pattaya appreciated also... RD
  4. I am in the planning stages for a move to LOS, in Pattaya area.. Where could I send my 11yo to school? recommendations and advice on cost much appreciated? Thanx...RD
  5. Just got a mate booked with Royal Brunai to BKK. £538+tax (29th till 14th), not bad for time of year and late booking. Crap flight via LHA and 10 hours in Brunai! But will be LOS for New Year ;D All other flights were showing £880-1270!.... Now I`ve got to find him a bloody room HEEELP! RD 8)
  6. All good info but....I think you was asking about the charger unit.... Firstly, yours will work...use standard UK-thai plug adaptor ,works fine... think we`re 240v they`re 220v near enough for it to work. Well did on my nokia and sony eric t610. My TG uses my UK charger to charge hers as well. If you don`t have a charger they are really cheap! about 200 baht big c upstairs, some less on market....for common makes like nokia etc... hope this helps... RD
  7. I might be stating the obvious after all this discussion, but why not just ask her what it is? If she`s nothing to hide, she will give it to you... ::) But then what about the other email addresses you don`t know about..... [smiley=banghead.gif] RD
  8. No jauls, I am booked on the 21st the previous Sunday, but it seems the sunday morning flight is the one affected. The flight had originally a 1hr 15 min change, then altered to 40 min. This is when I was given the following day connection..... Will be checking with them next week for updates on my 15th wait listing....fingers crossed! 6 bonus days! RD
  9. Jauls, I had the same cancelled connection from doha to Bkk. After some calls i found out that it was because of the flight time being altered and leaving only about 40 min between flights. I called Qatat Air direct and they said it only took 30min to change in doha and I should have my flight returned to original booking. Since then I`ve had another itinery with a 50 min change time! so I would give them a call and try and get back on your original conection. After severely "voicing my concern" about short change overs and ever changing itineries! I have been but on "wait list" for an ea
  10. Well, thanx for the info. As if I wasn`t worried enough already! I`ve had my flights changed 3 times and now ended up with only 50min to make the change of planes, not much considering long queues and busy christmas time. Emerites was £150 more, maybe it would have been worth it? RD :-/
  11. Travel with them twice, no problems. Good value....
  12. booked loads with wefly.co.uk...... tickets always first post the day after the next (less than 48 hours)....never failed yet..... :)
  13. After reading the other thread about cheap fares on Malaysian (£315+tax from Man), it set me wondering about what the cheapest flights you`ve ever had...... I did travel on Lufhthansa 2 years ago for under £350, but a friend of mine travel with "Yugoslavian Airways" for £270, obviously a few years ago. But like CT says soon when it kicks off over in Iraq there maybe could be sub £300 quid again..........this would make the Pattaya long weekend posible [smiley=grin.gif]! ........ RD [smiley=devil.gif]
  14. thankyou CT, thought I was seeing things when the tickets came yesterday ! try searching different dates till you find the fare available. I use the airline network search, better set up......but nearly always cheaper on WEFLY.co.uk http://www.airline-network.co.uk/Homepage/Homepage.asp
  15. Some good fare available from http://www.wefly.co.uk/aff/cheapflights/ Booked a friend on-line for only £315+tax in March! on Malaysian Airways from Manchester........ RD 8)
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