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About macky

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    Elite Poster
  • Birthday June 24

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  1. 14 days too good for you, you should be botted you vile retarded cocksucker

  2. macky

    Honda CBR150r

    You seem to not grasp what peole were /are teling you In fact i think that they have been really nice about it
  3. Gerry Rafferty Baker street stuck in the middle Died last night
  4. No not at all just posters such as yourself Who try to wriggle out of things After making theirselfs look silly
  5. I thought you said this was a shit thread and no one would reply to it didnt take you long did it
  6. I think straight talking should be compulsory on these boards Its hard eough with different peoples writing ways To understand what a lot of people are getting at Without them talking like polictians I have no one to impress on here Chances are i will never meet more than 2% of you So i have n o need to lie or wriggle out of what i have said I just dont get why people do it If they are wrong why not put their hands up and admit it
  7. and lets have some rat packers
  8. How can any thead about great music be missing this lot
  9. And Of course not forgetting this classic
  10. If you talking christmas tunes then surely this one has to be up there
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