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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About ElCubozoan

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    Advanced Poster
  • Birthday 07/07/1959

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  1. What I did not understand was the handoff - I was curious as to what information one controller gives another and how it gets there. Thanks,
  2. Only a controller could pay attention with such detail. Here's a question for you: When VFR and cleared into the bravo by Controller A - and 2 minutes later you get a frequency change and you check in with Controller B - how does B know that you have been cleared into the bravo or does he just assume that you are because you are talking to him and already in?
  3. Wow - now that was some damn good information. However, no one has described the seat in detail - does it have a footrest like many of the business class seats?
  4. Hola, I have been to Pattaya many times and I bring with me my laptop. Using dial is very slow in Pattaya and I would be like to know where I can get DSL or Cable in an apartment of hotel room. It would have to be fastest.
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