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Everything posted by musicofthehart

  1. GREAT! I can fix just about ANY P.C. related problems. Ill be their around march 5th
  2. well... I have a degree in computer repair, and web page design. I consider myself VERY street savvy. I have done a few Grateful Dead tours (if any of you have checked into that sean) and usually can come up with something to make ends meet. But I am not interested in doin anything that'll put me into the pokey, (the bad kind of pokey) I am flexable on location as well. As long as I stay in Asia. Thanks for the ideas so far... PLEASE keep em coming. I am not to worried that Ill go crazy in 2 days and want to split. I can survive in just about any environment.
  3. Good ones so far.... Am i correct in assuming that their are tons of farang trying to scrape together a few $ so they can stay? Im wondering just what level of hustler I have to be, to break even. I know that one of you reading this is an expert in this area. Please let me know if my hopes of finding some sort of employment, no matter how unorthodox, are a pointless effort. Its not that I NEED money currently, I am just thinking long term. Do bars employ LARGE young Farang as bouncers?
  4. Is it possible that a 26 yr old white guy from the U.S. can find a job in pattaya, that does not involve esl? Something that can pay for the room and board... or am I dreaming? This will be my first trip to Thailand, and it sounds like I want to stay long term. I am willing to travel. Any ideas? Or am I insane? Please post here, or give me an email at musicofthehart@hotmail.com.
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