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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Ben01

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  1. Ben01

    Thai music

    Go onto Kazaa Lite and you can down load shit loads for FREE!
  2. Hi TT, I'll join you on the 5th but as this is my first time in Pattaya I'm looking to you guys to stear me straight and keep me off the imodium. Cheers Ben
  3. Thanks for the info guys it'll be very useful. I'll be in Pattaya from the 25th April, Let me know when you'll be in the FLB and I'll buy you all a beer. Cheers Ben
  4. Since my mates found out I'll be in Pattaya in 3 weeks time, they hounding me to bring back copy rolex watches. Where's the best place to buy? Bangkok or Pattaya? and if Pattaya where abouts . Also whats the going rate? Cheers Ben
  5. Thanks Guys, as I am staying for maybe 8 weeks or more I think I'll go for Leos' option and buy second hand. Hope to see you in the FLB end of April and I'll buy you a beer. Ben
  6. Hi Guys, Is it possible to hire a moby in Pattaya that would get me international calls?, and if so would it require a second mortage to pay for it?. Ben
  7. Thanks for the info, I had visions of wasting away! Ben
  8. Hi Guys, another newbie here. Rumour has it that the bars don't open untill 1600hrs!!, where do I get a drink before that?, surely there's somewhere open?. Thirsty Ben..
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